Manually update premium plugin

Targeting all site with plugin installed

ARVE Error: Aspect ratio 1.4:1 is not valid
Manually updating premium plugins
Manually updating premium plugins

With ManageWP select all sites then “Manage Plugins”. Search for plugin by name. Select all active plugins then run the following in Chrome console.

// Collect all selected sites into array
sites = [];
jQuery('.site-item.widget-item.selected').each(function() {
   site = jQuery(this).find(".site-url").text();

Go back to website list and deselect all sites then run the following code in Chrome console.

// Selects sites in array
sites.forEach(function(site) {
    jQuery('.websites-search span').click();
    jQuery('.websites-search input').val(site);
    jQuery('.websites-search input').trigger('change');
    jQuery('.manage-websites-list .websites-list-item').trigger('click');
jQuery('.websites-search input').val("");
jQuery('.websites-search input').trigger('change');

Now that the proper sites are select, install new plugin update through “Manage Plugins”. If manual intervention is need then the followup with auto login to any selected website.

jQuery('.custom-checkbox input:checked').parents('div.websites-list-item').each(function() { 
   link = jQuery(this).find('').parent().attr('href');, '_blank');

Targeting specific plugin version

Audio is a little rough as it was recorded at Cafe Di Vetro.

ARVE Error: Aspect ratio 1.25:1 is not valid
Manually updating premium plugins with ManageWP
Manually updating premium plugins with ManageWP
# Selects all sites which are not a specific version
jQuery('.site-item.widget-item').each(function() {
   version = jQuery(this).find('span.version').text();
   if (version != "5.4.8") {

# Output urls of selected sites into console
jQuery('.site-item.widget-item.selected').each(function() {