If you have an active multisite network, chances are you have orphaned content left over from deleted subsites. To clean up the database, there is a fantastic plugin Cleanup Multisite DB Tables which adds a few wp-cli commands to locate and remove any orphaned database tables. To cleanup files, I wasn’t able to find an automated approach. The following are some manual steps I took recently while cleaning up a rather large multisite installation.
In order to figure out which sites are safe to remove from, we first need a list of all subsites. This can gather by running the following wp-cli command wp site list --format=ids
which will output something like 1 2 4 7
Next we need a list of actual upload folders within multisite. On legacy multisite networks this is found under /wp-content/blogs.dir/
for modern networks /wp-content/uploads/sites
. From the terminal we can grab a full list by running ls wp-content/blogs.dir/
which will return something like this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
These site IDs can be copied into a new bash script we’ll call remove_orphaned_mu_uploads.sh
# Site IDs taken from `wp site list --format=ids`
sites_to_keep=(1 2 4 7)
# Site IDs from current multisite
#all_site_ids=(`ls wp-content/blogs.dir/`)
all_site_ids=(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
# Function to check array for match
containsElement () {
local e
for e in "${@:2}"; do [[ "$e" == "$1" ]] && return 0; done
return 1
# Loop through all site IDs upload folders and check if found in active Site ID. Outputs orphaned uploads.
for (( i=0; i<${all_site_ids_count}; i++ ));
containsElement "${all_site_ids[$i]}" "${sites_to_keep[@]}"
if [ $? == 1 ]
printf "${all_site_ids[$i]} "
Running remove_orphaned_mu_uploads.sh
will output the following: 3 5 6
which are orphaned upload directories. These folders are safe to delete.
I recommend backing up these these directories before deleting. That can be accomplished by pasting those resulting site IDs into the following archive_orphaned_directories.sh
script. This script will move the orphaned directories into a temporary location, generate a backup zip and then remove the directories.
# Site IDs taken from output of remove_orphaned_mu_uploads.sh
to_remove=(3 5 6)
# Make directory to archive old directories
mkdir -p ~/private/orphaned_directories/
# Change directories
cd wp-content/blogs.dir/
# Move orphaned directories to archive location
for site in ${to_remove[@]}; do
mv $site ~/private/orphaned_directories/
# Generate zip
cd ~/private
zip_name="$(date +'%Y-%m-%d')-orphaned_directories.zip"
zip -r $zip_name orphaned_directories/
# Remove orphaned directories
rm -rf ~/private/orphaned_directories/