Clients and Friends,
Today, I’m announcing that Anchor Development will now be known as Anchor Hosting. The new name signifies an even stronger focus on providing the best WordPress hosting solution for small businesses. I put together a short FAQ which will answer most of your questions.
I didn’t know you provide hosting?
Yep, in fact I’ve been providing web hosting since day one.
Why web hosting? Aren’t there plenty of hosting companies?
Great question. Most web hosting companies provide a tool, not a service. Simply put, most small business don’t need a tool, they just need someone to provide the service for them. I aim to do just that.
When does the new name go into effective?
Are you still available for web development work?
Yes, in fact I feel the best person to host your website(s) is an active web developer. Over the next few years I do foresee myself taking on fewer development jobs. My goal is to allocate my time to 75% hosting, 25% development. Currently it is more like 25% hosting, 75% development.
Are you looking for new hosting clients?
Who is your ideal client?
My hosting service is a great fit for any small business who doesn’t want to deal with anything technical. And of course, a website running WordPress.
Who is not a good fit?
If you are a developer and would like full access to everything, then you are probably not a good fit for my service. For you I would recommend checking out WP Engine.
Anything else I should know?
Yes, my contact info has changed.
I still have questions, what do I do?
Send me an email or give me a call. I’m happy to chat.
Austin Ginder