Kinsta’s Cloudflare Integration Deadline

A quick update: September 30th is the deadline to complete Kinsta’s Cloudflare integration. Customers who use Anchor Hosting for DNS are already covered. Otherwise, expect an email from me here shortly. That will include instructions for required DNS changes in order to make sure your website keep running.

While there have been a few annoying edge cases with the rollout, I’m overall really excited for what these changes bring. There are SSL improvements, HTTP3 coverage, improved CDN and enhanced DDOS protection. This also opens up the possibility for additional improvements as Kinsta integrates more deeply with Cloudflare.

Curious about all of these Cloudflare features?

Then check out Kinsta’s knowledge based article Speeding Up and Securing WordPress Through Cloudflare Integration and read about the feature update Kinsta CDN Is Now Powered by Cloudflare. Kinsta’s cache is not currently integrated with Cloudflare however a direct integration with Cloudflare APO would be a killer feature. Definitely at the top of my feature wish list. For a crash course on Cloudflare APO check out these posts.