Austin Ginder

Austin Ginder

Handing Legacy Static Sites with Kinsta

On occasion I need to host a PHP static website. This is typically while the customer is working on a new WordPress site and simply needs to keep their legacy site live until the new one replaces it. A good…

Reusing Cookies for Automation

Previously I’ve wrote about using a Ruby script to automate fetching data from WP Engine’s portal. Recently that script broke due to the way WP Engine’s login process works. While it might be possible to fix, let’s look at bypassing…

Local Lightning for WordPress Development

When it comes to local WordPress development, I’ve been split between two different tools: Laravel Valet and Local by Flywheel. Valet is really fast, however Local just works. Well, meet Local Lightning. It’s a completely remade version of Local by…

Exposing WSL to Windows for Dev Backups

I recently switched my primary computer from a Macbook Pro to a Surface Laptop. My WordPress development environment is now primarily contained within WSL which is the Linux portion of Windows. WSL’s filesystem isn’t exposed to Windows which means my…

OS Platform Whichever

This week I did the unthinkable. After 10 years using iMacs and Macbook Pro’s for WordPress development, I purchased Microsoft’s newest Surface Laptop 3. Part of the move was to downsize from a 15″ laptop to a smaller 13″. However…

Fetching from SFTP with Phpseclib

I recently had a customer who needed to fetch and import files from a remote SFTP server on a scheduled basis. The import process was handled nicely by WP All Import, so no need to do any custom code there.…

Full Page Website Screenshots

I previously wrote about taking website screenshots with gowitness. That works great for basic website screenshots. However my most recent project required full page screenshots which, unfortunately, gowitness does not yet support. It’s also unlikely to be added anytime soon.…

Migrating a Large WordPress Site

Migrating a WordPress site is generally a straightforward process. Make a backup of the current site, upload files, and import database onto the new web host. Moving a large website requires extra handling. Have you ever attempted to move a…

Composer Autoloading within WordPress Plugin

A good way to begin using object oriented PHP classes is by writing everything in a single .php file. That’s completely fine for small WordPress projects. For large projects a single file quickly becomes a disorganized mess. I know from…