One of my favorite SSH commands with Kinsta is screen
. I use it quite frequently to handle long running scripts like site migrations and image optimizations. I’ve often wondered if it would be possible to put screen
inside of a shell script instead of manually running it from the command line. Today that’s just what I’ll be covering.
Initiating screen
from a shell script.
Let’s start with a proof of concept. Create two files within Kinsta’s private directory called
with the following contents. Inside
can include any long running script you want to insure doesn’t stop even if disconnected. Even something as crude as a slow counter like this.
echo "start"
sleep 10
echo "1"
sleep 10
echo "2"
sleep 10
echo "3"
sleep 10
echo "done"
put the following.
cd ~/private
timestamp=$( date +'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')
screen -dmS run_script_${timestamp} sh
will start screen
in the background executing
. At this point you can disconnect from SSH, reconnect and use top
to see that screen
is still running
in the background.
Enabling screen
‘s log file to track output.
With screen
you can enable logging with the argument -L
. Unfortunately the version of screen
installed with Kinsta is a bit old and doesn’t include the argument -Logfile
which defines a name of the log file. As a workaround you can create a custom .screenrc
file with configuration to define the log file name like this.
logfile my_custom_log_file.log
The custom .screenrc
is read in with the argument -c .screenrc
Wrapping it all up into a single bundled script with working output.
To make this usable everything needs to be bundled up into a single script. This script can be stored locally and run on any Kinsta site like this.
ssh "bash -s" <
Try it out! Create the following
file locally and run it on Kinsta site as shown above. If successful you’ll see the script slowly start counting to 3, and then complete. Within the private folder you’ll find a log file containing the output of the script. You can even start the script and disconnect from SSH and the log output will still complete just fine due to the marvelous screen
# Generate captaincore_run_${timestamp}.sh.
read -r -d '' run_content << 'heredoc'
####### BEGIN CUSTOM SCRIPT #######
echo "start"
sleep 10
echo "1"
sleep 10
echo "2"
sleep 10
echo "3"
sleep 10
echo "done"
####### END CUSTOM SCRIPT #######
# Find private folder and switch to it
if [ ! -d "../private" ]; then
echo "Can't find private folder '../private'. Script terminated."
return 1
if [ -d "../private" ]; then
cd ../private
cd ~/public
# Prepare script and log file names
timestamp=$( date +'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')
# Initiate log file
touch ${private}/${log_file}
# Generate captaincore_run_wrapper_${timestamp}.sh
read -r -d '' run_wrapper_content << heredoc
# Start with output directed to log file
( ${private}/${run_file} ) 2>&1 > ${private}/$log_file
# When finished, terminate tail on log file
for process_id in \$( ps auxf | grep "tail -f ${private}/$log_file" | awk '{print \$2}' ); do
kill -9 \$process_id &> /dev/null
# Generate custom config for `screen`
echo "logfile $log_file" > ${private}/.screenrc
echo "$run_wrapper_content" > ${private}/${run_wrapper_file}
echo "$run_content" > ${private}/${run_file}
chmod +x ${private}/${run_wrapper_file}
chmod +x ${private}/${run_file}
# Verify we aren't in screen then run command
if [ -z "$STY" ]; then
screen -c ${private}/.screenrc -dmS ${run_file//.sh/} sh ${private}/${run_wrapper_file}
# Start tailing log file for output of background process. Silence when the process is terminated by passing to `cat`.
tail -f ${private}/${log_file} | cat
# Cleanup generated scripts
rm ${private}/${run_file}
rm ${private}/${run_wrapper_file}
# Optional cleanup log file
# rm ${private}/${log_file}
Any long running script can be wrapped using this method.
The example of counting isn’t very useful. However this wrapper template can be used for any long running script. To use simply swap out the contents of run_content
with any arbitrary shell script like my over the air example of running a site migration.