The main WooCommerce plugin is free but WooCommerce is more than just a single plugin it’s an entire ecosystem unto itself. Recently WooCommerce changed how they handle their paid extensions. They switched from license keys to a license activation system which requires you to connect your WordPress website with your account.
Without license keys sharing capabilities are required
At first their implementation was terrible. You couldn’t share licenses between accounts, which forced you to transfer all of your keys to one single account holder which could be linked to website. That could be quite annoying if your working with a team of people each who might be covering certain extensions.
Sharing with WooCommerce is quite easy
Luckily WooCommerce recently made a new license sharing feature which solves this problem. With the new sharing feature, outside developers or web firms can use their extensions and then share access to that license back to the account owner. That means every WooCommerce extension can be purchased by either you or the client and used on whichever website you’d prefer. It’s a very flexible setup.