Austin Ginder

Austin Ginder

Introducing Quicksaves with Rollbacks

Today I’m announcing Quicksaves, which is a hosting feature I recently built. They’re essentially a daily WordPress snapshot containing only themes, plugins and version numbers. While this might seem very similar to a daily backup it solves a completely different…

The Best Migrations Happen Between Servers

I regularly migrate WordPress sites. As such I’m always looking for the quickest and simplest way to handle the migration. Recently I’ve been handling all of my migrations directly between servers using SSH. This will be a rough overview of…

Resolving Common Errors when Switching to HTTPS

For most people, switching a WordPress site from http to https is possible with just a few clicks. That’s a big thanks Let’s Encrypt, which is being widely adopted by many popular web hosting companies. That said, there can be a…

Easily Manage Redirections within WordPress

Most WordPress-specific host providers will have some sort of hosting dashboard to manage website redirections. These pages allow you to directly configure the web server rules (Apache and/or NGINX). WP Engine and Kinsta make this fairly straightforward to use as…

Querying ACF Relationship Fields using REGEXP

Advanced Custom Fields relationships are pretty amazing. You can easily manage relationships between virtually anything. The official ACF docs on querying relationship fields is a fantastic walkthrough showing how to handle the front-end display of basic relationships. It works by using…

One Time Scheduled WordPress Jobs

I recently discovered wp_schedule_single_event which, as it sounds, allows you to schedule a one time event. This helped solved an issue I was running into while attempting to get Mailgun and Constellix talking to each other. Automating Mailgun setup with delayed DNS verify…

Building a Process Management System within WordPress

Awhile back I built a process management system within WordPress. You can read about that here:  Recently someone asked me how I built it, so I figured it’s time for a follow-up post. 16 months later and I still use…

Removing Query Strings from Static Resources

Out of the box WordPress adds query strings to CSS and JavaScript files. This means that a stylesheet which typically looks like style.css is changed to style.css?ver=4.9.2. The version automatically updates with each WordPress release and helps with cache busting. WordPress…

Avoiding HTTP double redirects with WP Engine

With HTTPS becoming a standard, redirecting your old http url typically works by selecting a checkbox. With WP Engine, select “Secure all URLs” within the SSL settings. Recently I discovered that a lot of these http urls were double redirecting.…