Austin Ginder

Austin Ginder

Simultaneous Website Previewing with Two Servers

So typically when migrating or launching WordPress sites, I’ll modify my HOSTS file in order to preview the site at its final destination before going public. That’s a great way to catch problems before updating DNS however I’ve often wanted…

Regex with WordPress Database Backups

For too long, regular expressions or regex have been mysterious to me. With the help of the fantastic video series at Laracasts the quirky pattern matching syntax has started to make sense. The following are some experiments with pattern matching on…

Extracting a Site from Multisite

Something I’ve been working on recently is breaking apart some unnecessary legacy Multisite networks into separate WordPress installations. There are times where Multisite is useful, however I have overused Multisite in the past. The following are some tips when extracting sites…

Optimizing with Kinsta Analytics and KeyCDN

Kinsta just release a new analytics dashboard which contains a list of the top 30 bandwidth usage files. I thought I’d give it a look over to see if I could make any optimizations. Since all of my Kinsta websites…

Auto Payments with Manual WooCommerce Subscriptions

WooCommerce Subscriptions is great way to handle recurring subscriptions on WordPress. You can create a WooCommerce Subscription product out of the box, which allows your customers to purchase a subscription with automatic payments. If you want more control you can…

Multiple Email Recipients for WooCommerce Subscriptions

Last November I switched my hosting renewals over to WooCommerce Subscription. I previously used Xero to handle all of my subscriptions via a repeat invoice, however it wasn’t really intended to handle my type of business. Also I just wanted to…

Exciting Times for WordPress with Gutenberg

There is a new WordPress editor currently under development called Gutenburg. Once ready, it will replace how you edit pages and write posts within WordPress. It’s ironic because just last week I explained how I personally don’t use the WordPress…

Writing With WordPress One Year Later

One year ago I made a commitment to post weekly on Anchor’s blog documenting my Adventures with WordPress & Business. I’ve been successful with no weeks missed! With that completed, I thought today would be good to write about the actual…

Image Optimization For Storage

For most people, image optimization doesn’t need to be all that complicated. If you want to take optimization beyond serving optimized images with Jetpack Photon then read on. Optimizing and downsizing all images with WP Smush Pro So most images…

Restoring WP Engine Snapshot Locally

WP Engine has a built-in staging site which is awesome, however sometimes troubleshooting requires more direct access. For those times, I like to take a WP Engine backup snapshot and restore locally on my Macbook Pro. For local development I…