Using Caddy for WordPress Local Development on Mac

I’ve been using a Lemur Pro, Linux laptop, faithfully for the last 2 years and have decided to upgrade to a new MacBook Air M2. Linux, specifically Pop! OS, you’ll be missed. There is nothing so liberating as using an operating system that is truly open. I have my eyes on the Asahi Linux…

You Don’t Need A Wildcard SSL With Kinsta

Wildcard SSLs are no longer a required with Kinsta. Long live the standard SSL. Time to celebrate! 🥳 I don’t have anything against wildcard SSLs. What I do have a problem with is the new requirement that requires manual verification when renewing wildcard SSLs. That has led me to do some crazy engineering to…

Radically Open

WordPress is a prime example of how an open-source software project can create a massive ecosystem of thriving businesses that are both large and small. Being open, combined with an awesome community, is what made WordPress what it is today. It’s mind-boggling that Wordpress websites make up 40% of the entire web. Just think…

Manually Cleaning a WordPress Website After Infection

It almost goes without saying that the best advice when running a WordPress site is to have regular backups, run WordPress updates regularly, use good passwords and use a reputable web host. Do that and you’ll rarely need to deal with cleaning up an infected WordPress site. The following is an outline of how…

Unlimited SSLs for WordPress with a Caddy Reverse Proxy

Have you ever wanted to point an endless amount of domains to a single WordPress website? Maybe you have an idea for a custom application where you want your WordPress users to be able to link their domain for some unique purpose. Like hosting a single page for a business listing or maybe providing…

Attacks On WooCommerce Checkouts And How To Defend Yourself

Over the last year I’ve seen an increase in credit card attacks targeting my customer’s WooCommerce checkouts. These attacks do not appear limited to a certain type of website. I’ve seen it happen to customers ranging from very low traffic websites with around 500 monthly visitors, to very high traffic websites with 100,000+ monthly…

Kinsta’s GraphQL Endpoint

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been resisting changes to how SSLs work with Kinsta & Cloudflare. To rant slightly, here is a brief timeline of what’s been happening, including my responses. 👍 Kinsta integrates with Cloudflare switching from a regular Let’s Encrypt SSL to a Cloudflare Wildcard SSL. 👎 Cloudflare Announces SSL changes…

Fathom Analytics Compatibility

If you haven’t heard about Fathom Analytics, then you should check them out. They’re a privacy-focused web analytics alternative to Google Analytics. I’ve been using them since 2018. Last July I upgraded to their paid service which is fully integrated into the Anchor Hosting dashboard. If you’re a customer, check out the Stats tab.…

Email Robot Handing DNS Updates

I know we’ve all been there. Staring at the endless stream of new emails wondering, “Can I automate this somehow?”. Trust me, I know. That answer is always yes, it can be automated. However, the real question is whether it should be automated. Automating something takes time. It’s always a balancing act between whether…

Personal Backups with Restic and B2 Bucket

When I switched my daily driver to Linux, one missing piece was how to handle local backups. I previously relied on Backblaze, which is an awesome application that provides real-time backups, Unfortunately Linux isn’t supported. After trying out various backup solutions I settled on using a command-line solution restic with a B2 bucket. It’s…