Local WordPress Meetups

As I write this (May 2021), the majority of WordPress meetups are meeting online due to Covid with only a handful of groups having resumed in-person meetups. Local WordPress meetups are foundational to the WordPress ecosystem. There is nothing quite like going to a small group of local, free, or low-cost events with other…

Introducing Domain Controls

Managed domains and DNS services are available to Anchor Hosting customers. The first domain registration is free with any hosting plan. Additional domains are available starting at $20/year per domain. Managed DNS is included at no extra charge, and both domains and DNS are handled with other reputable providers as our aim is to…

Purge Kinsta’s Cache Programmatically

While working on PHP compatibility fixes for a new customer I discovered a few things about how Kinsta’s caching system works. It’s actually quite easy to programmatically purge Kinsta’s cache for either the entire site or a single page. Check out these PHP code examples. Purge the entire Kinsta’s cache. To purge individual pages…

Using Caddy for WordPress Local Development on Linux

There are no shortage of options for managing WordPress sites locally. I really like the simplicity of both Local and DevKinsta and highly recommend them for the average user. For advanced users that prefer the command line, Laraval Valet is a good option. All of these tools are great when they work however if…

Revamped Billing Portal, New Agency Plan and Usage Pricing 💰

I’m excited to share a few billing enhancements to Anchor Hosting. First off, if you’re an existing customer then check out the new billing section within It’s completely revamped and integrated with your existing account. No longer do you need to leave the hosting dashboard to manage your billing. I talk more in-depth…

Leaning Into The Direction That You Want To Go

This post marks 5 years of my weekly blog postings documenting my journey with WordPress and business. Everything I’ve done has been 100% bootstrapped. I’ve never taken any investment money nor do I have any plans to do so. Instead I’ve made known my intentions through public announcements, like this, as a way to…

Free Custom Domain Email Forwards

If you want a custom domain email address, I typically will recommend that you use a reputable email provider like G Suite or Fastmail. However if you’re just starting getting started and you’re not quite ready to pay for email services, then consider setting up an email forward instead. A great email forwarding service…

WordPress Backups with Rclone and Restic

Here at Anchor Hosting, I run incremental nightly backups for all customers, which are then stored on a B2 bucket. Incremental backups are lightweight and very cost effective. These backups are made in addition to what my host provider, Kinsta, maintains. Kinsta keeps nightly backup snapshots going back 30 days. As such, I’ve rarely…

Rclone Mount as a SFTP Client

Transmit is my SFTP client of choice on MacOS. It’s been a year since I’ve transitioned away from MacOS and I’ve finally settled on a suitable cross platform replacement. Ironically it was in rediscovering an amazing little UI feature of Rclone, a command line utility that I frequently use. So let me introduce you…

Hijacking BNFW for Email Subscriptions

A while back I wrote about using BNFW for email subscriptions. BNFW is my preferred way to send out WordPress blog posts as emails. It’s a clean and simple approach that doesn’t involve managing an email newsletter. It also nicely handles auto embeds which is not something that alternative options, like MailPoet, supports. While…