Tag Kinsta

Handing Legacy Static Sites with Kinsta

On occasion I need to host a PHP static website. This is typically while the customer is working on a new WordPress site and simply needs to keep their legacy site live until the new one replaces it. A good…

Moving 500+ sites to Kinsta

Over the past 6 months I’ve worked with Kinsta to move over 500+ sites from WP Engine. This will be my official review and recap of that massive switchover. I’ll just begin with a spoiler and say I couldn’t be…

Long Running Scripts Over SSH with Kinsta

I recently discovered a hidden gem with Kinsta’s SSH environment. They have a built in option for performing a background process using the screen command. Huge thanks for this tip goes to Jeff, one of Kinsta’s support engineers 🙏. Two types of…

Kinsta PHP Management

Coming from WP Engine, Kinsta PHP options are amazing. Each site with Kinsta can run a wide range of PHP versions from 5.6 to 7.3 beta. That said, with greater control comes additional responsibility. Here are some tips for keeping…

All of the Small Things Kinsta Gets Right

First off I’m a power user. I personally use both Kinsta and WP Engine for hosting my customer’s sites. They are both fantastic companies and have their own pros and cons. The longer I use Kinsta the more I’m realizing…

Automatic Git Deploy with Kinsta via SSH

Kinsta is my preferred WordPress host provider. This year I’ve switched all my new customers to Kinsta. Coming from WP Engine, one feature I miss is a per site git URL which will automatically deploy updates whenever a git push is run…

Improving Kinsta’s deploy to staging using WP-CLI

Kinsta, a relatively new managed WordPress web host, has been consistently rolling out new features. While I’ve been impressed with their improvements, their production to staging deployment is a hassle to work with. Luckily this can be resolved with a…

Optimizing with Kinsta Analytics and KeyCDN

Kinsta just release a new analytics dashboard which contains a list of the top 30 bandwidth usage files. I thought I’d give it a look over to see if I could make any optimizations. Since all of my Kinsta websites…